
1 Find out relevant information about previously defined facts and phenomena. This involves making predictions about natural events, incorporating direct and indirect observation data coming from direct and indirect sources and communicating the results.

           LS1.1. Finds, selects and organises specific and relevant information, organises it, draws conclusions, communicates experiences, reflects on the process followed and communicates this in spoken and written format.

            EA1.2. Develops appropriate strategies for accessing information from scientific texts.

2 Communicate in both spoken and written form the results obtained from different experiences, presenting them with visual aids

            LS3.1. Uses vocabulary relating to each of the blocks of content in an appropriate way. 
            LS3.2. Expresses in a clear and organised way the contents relating to the subject area, showing understanding of written and/or spoken texts.


1 Identify and locate the main organs involved in carrying out the human body’s vital functions, identifying some key relationships between them and also some healthy habits.

LS1.1. Identifies and locates the main organs involved in carrying out the vital functions of the human body: Nutrition (respiratory, digestive, circulatory and excretory systems), Reproduction (reproductive system), Interaction (sense organs, nervous system, locomotor system).

2Know how the human body works: cells, tissue, organs, systems: their location, form, structure, functions, care, etc.

LS2.1. Identifies and describes the main features of the vital functions of the human body.

3 Understand the direct nature of the link between healthy lifestyles and the healthy functioning of the human body, adopting healthy lifestyles in recognition of this link.

LS3.1. Identifies healthy lifestyles and recognises their beneficial effects in keeping the different organs and systems of the body healthy.

LS3.2.  Identifies and values healthy habits to prevent illness and behaves in a responsible way.  

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